When you opt into VemmaBuilder online marketing system, you will start receiving an automated email from the system.
There is an opt-out link included in each emails and some of the VemmaBuilder pre-enrollees may accidentally click on that opt-out link.
What if the VemmaBuilder pre-enrollee wants to receive the email again?
Here are steps show you how they can reactivate the VemmaBuilder email:-
1) Log into VemmaBuilder website with your VEMMA ID and password.
2) Click on the “Reactivate Email” button as show below:-
3) VemmaBuilder will send opt-in confirmation email to your mail box.
4) Click on the link to reactivate your email as shown below.
5) Congratulation! You will now start to receive the email message from VemmaBuilder system again.
To Your Success,
Kris Huang