目前分類:Build Your VEMMA (35)

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Classified advertisements create traffic to websites by attracting web users to click on them and then from there link the users to their websites. Huge amount of traffic can be created if the classified advertisements are placed in the correct section on a website .

It is not recommended to promote products and services on classified advertisements as it does not add value. They are mainly used to obtain contact details of prospects and to create traffic. The promotion should be done on your own websites as there would not be ample room to do so on classified advertisements. Web users will see your promotion on your website if they are attracted to your classified advertisement and link to your website from there.

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What is the income you are expecting from your Vemma Business ? Do you know that you have to invest time and money in your downlines? Yes, it is true that you make money when your downline joins you or makes a sale, but most of the time, to build a long term business; you have to invest heavily in their education.

Network Marketing is a business of duplication and although many people will pay the price to build their network, you must be very selective of whom you spend your time with. You can’t possible be everything to everyone and you must select who are the people that you are going places with!

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Dave Rasmussen has done a good job by creating the Vemma Coaching website,www.vemmacoaching.com.  I personally like the ‘Four Steps To Success’ system and the recorded webinars.  For those who don’t like to read a lot, you can ‘watch and listen’ the recorded webinars training here:


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If it is your intention to get your Vemma Business and Vemmabuilder Website up and running successfully as fast as you can, one of the best ways to advertise is by pay per click. You will find that this is the quickest way forward in drawing targeted traffic to your Vemmabuilder Opportunity Page.

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I have reviewed some free keyword research tools that you can use immediately to improve your Vemma online business. You can use it for finding some great keywords. Using the newly found keyword ideas, you can create contents based on those keywords. These contents can be used for article marketing, ads campaign, blog post, etc. If you already have a site full of contents, you can use the tool to find new keywords to create more contents for your Vemma business.


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Ezine Marketing is one of the favorite methods of many top producers. The reason for this is that Ezine marketing allows you to “piggy back” off the credibility of someone else and in essence “rent” someone else’s list!

Ezines are online newsletters that people subscribe to. When an ezine sends out an email with your ad in it the reader takes it more seriously because they have a “relationship” established with the ezine.

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You will be running into a lot of people who are obviously already promoting something in marketing forum.  THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!  It doesn’t have to be a “marketing” forum. Find some discussion forums on whatever your hobbies or interests are… and simply have a catchy signature file on your profile like:

“The internet is a goldmine. Are you making money on the net yet?”

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Article or Content Marketing / Web2.0 is THE HOTTEST trend on the internet today. As marketers, we have an incredible opportunity to get in on the “ground floor” and benefit from “first mover advantage”.

Content Marketing is much more than just posting articles to a website. It includes hundreds of websites, and several different components. This strategy is extremely low cost, and can be extremely effective if executed properly.

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Classified ads are good to find some good free traffic to your Vemmabuilder  website. You won’t get a ton of traffic from these methods but they are a good method to get a good amount of traffic.

If you want to stand out from others, be creative as you can.

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vemma_action_planThe NEW Vemma 8-Step Action Plan is now available for download in your Back Office. Recently promoted at Convention by Royal Ambassadors, Tom Alkazin and Ruth Elliott, these eight steps are proven to help you launch a successful Vemma business. With updated content and great graphics, anyone can use this plan to begin daily results-oriented activities and kick-start their Vemma business. You’ll be able to mentor and train your team to duplicate efforts and watch your team flourish.

This 42 pages Action Plan prepares you for:

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If you’ve been in Vemma online business and talking to a pre-enrollee, sometimes they may pose a question: “How much money do you make in Vemma?”


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Robert Kiyosaki is an investor, businessman, self help author and motivational speaker. He is the author of the ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ series, ‘The Cashflow Quadrant’ and his latest work, ‘The Business Of The 21st Century’. He introduces the four “Cashflow Quadrants” concept in his book.


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“Most people who fail in their dreams fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment”  -  Zig Ziglar.

Many people dream about financial freedom, being their own boss or retiring early to live a life of luxury. They are looking for online opportunity that can make them getting rich and don’t have to do anything to achieve it. Is it really possible to get rich without any effort? No, it’s NEVER going to happen. You will never achieve your dream without any commitment. Make a commitment to achieve your dreams and take action to fulfill that commitment.

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Nowadays, more and more network marketing distributors are using social media (e.g Facebook, Twitter and etc) on building their network marketing business online. Social media sites are an excellent source of leads. There is a right way and there is a wrong way to use social media sites to build your network marketing business.

Here is VEMMA CEO, BK Boreyko talks about the biggest mistake by most of the network marketing distributors make in social media in his interview by Network Marketing Pro, Eric Worre.

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VemmaBuilder (Internet Marketing System) launched the Chinese Language version in January 2010.


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