Nowadays, more and more network marketing distributors are using social media (e.g Facebook, Twitter and etc) on building their network marketing business online. Social media sites are an excellent source of leads. There is a right way and there is a wrong way to use social media sites to build your network marketing business.
Here is VEMMA CEO, BK Boreyko talks about the biggest mistake by most of the network marketing distributors make in social media in his interview by Network Marketing Pro, Eric Worre.
This video is very helpful to all network marketing distributors who are using social media for sponsoring. As says by BK Boreyko, the biggest mistake by most network marketing distributors make in social media is they are pitching in business. He also points out some valuable tips in using the social media:-
- We must care about people. When you care about people, then they will care what is important to you.
- Social media is to strengthen the existing relationship.
- Social media is to develop new relationship. Take an online relationship and bring it to offline.
Social media is about building relationship. Social media is not a marketing media. VEMMA is one of the most social media friendly network marketing company. Leveraging on social media and the power of internet will bring massive growth to your network marketing business.
To your success,
Kris Huang