I have reviewed some free keyword research tools that you can use immediately to improve your Vemma online business. You can use it for finding some great keywords. Using the newly found keyword ideas, you can create contents based on those keywords. These contents can be used for article marketing, ads campaign, blog post, etc. If you already have a site full of contents, you can use the tool to find new keywords to create more contents for your Vemma business.


Google Adwords Keyword Tool : You can start with a small set of short keyword phrases and discover new words used by Google searchers. For example, if you start with the phrase money, the tool will suggest new related keywords like make money, earn money, make money now etc.

WordTracker Keyword Suggestion: The free version only lists the top 100 related keywords. You can subscribe for their newsletter to receive regular articles, case studies, and tips to increase your web traffic based on keyword research.

Keyword Discovery : Enter your seed keyword, e.g. make money, and the tool will list the top 100 related keywords. You have to deal with a captcha for each search.

This free keyword tool list will definitely help you in your keyword research when you dont’ want to spend money for advanced keyword research. This online keyword tool is absolutely essential for the success of your Vemma business.

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