9. Video Marketing

Video marketing is becoming more widely used. It can be found on websites, in emails, on video sites such as YouTube and almost anywhere. Video marketing provides the visual and also hearing impact that can help promote your business.

10. Viral Marketing

‘Viral’ comes from the word ‘virus’ and hence viral marketing means the publicizing of products and services offered like a virus, when promoting the business. Email service is a good example of viral marketing whereby people began using the service when they got emails sent to them and slowly more and more people are using the service. Searching for a site that offers viral marketing will help increase traffic to your website.

11. Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC is an advertising tool used on websites and search engines whereby advertisers bid on keywords that they think their target audience would key in when using search engines to look for what they want. When a user key in the keywords you bid on, sponsored ads or links to your website will appear on top of the search results and hopefully the user sees the links and clicks on them.

Advertisers are charged when users click on their ads. The fee depends on the keyword used and of course the number of clicks.

It is advisable to try out first by starting out small and slowly making it big once you are able to get the results you want. Adjusting of ad copy, keywords and cost per click can be done if results are not achieved.

12. Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is similar to the idea of bookmarking we all know but it allows your bookmarked websites to be kept on the web server instead of just the computer’s hard drive like what the Favourites tool does. Users who sign up for an account can have access to the services on the social bookmarking sites whereby you can bookmark websites under categories of your choice. These categories are like tags and this suggests that you can decide where you want to store the websites. Tags are usually not specific so it gives more flexibility in categorizing.
Social bookmarking sites are good places to link web users to one another. Users of social bookmarking sites will link themselves to each other and this connected chain provides an avenue to create traffic and backlinks.

* for details of each source of traffic, visit http://www.newinternetpro.com/articles.html.

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