If you’ve been in Vemma online business and talking to a pre-enrollee, sometimes they may pose a question: “How much money do you make in Vemma?”
How much money do you make in Vemma?
This is the question that all new Vemma members hate when they first start in Vemma online business. Now what? How to answer?
When you hear this question, what they really want to know is “How much am I going to make in Vemma?”
Here’s my response to them:-
“Dear [[Pre-enrollee]], I am very happy with what I am earning right now. It’s really not about how much money I make. It’s really about how much money YOU’RE going to make. You may start your business and do much worse than I have, you may do much better than I have. Your income all depended on your personal efforts. The reassurance I give is the training, information and good support from our team to start your Vemma online business.”
Lastly, give them an advice that if they think Vemma business might be for them, and help them get strated.
To your success,
Kris Huang