The NEW Vemma 8-Step Action Plan is now available for download in your Back Office. Recently promoted at Convention by Royal Ambassadors, Tom Alkazin and Ruth Elliott, these eight steps are proven to help you launch a successful Vemma business. With updated content and great graphics, anyone can use this plan to begin daily results-oriented activities and kick-start their Vemma business. You’ll be able to mentor and train your team to duplicate efforts and watch your team flourish.
This 42 pages Action Plan prepares you for:
- what you need to know
- what you need to have
- what you need to say
The list of the 8 Steps are as follow:
- P R E P A R E
Action Step 1: Your Dreams—The Foundation of Your Vemma Business - I N S P I R E
Action Step 2: Attitude—Set Yourself Up to Succeed - B E G I N
Action Step 3: Create a Contact List - P R O D U C T S
Action Step 4: Building Your Business—Leading with the Product - O P P O R T U N I T Y
Action Step 5: Building Your Business—Leading with the Opportunity - S T R I V E
Action Step 6: Set and Reach Your Goals - C O A C H
Action Step 7: Everyone Needs a Mentor - A C T
Action Step 8: Take Your Vemma Business to the Next Level